What files should you receive in your brand package?

It’s not ok to only own your brand files in .jpg or .png formats.

So what is a .png or .jpg format?

In plan terms, a .jpeg is a format you can save digital imagery in. It also allows different degrees of compression. A .png format is similar but allows for transparent backgrounds.

Why is it not ok to only own my logo files in this format?

Both .jpeg and .png only support raster files. Raster files are images built from pixels (e.g. photos). The bigger you blow it up the more pixelated it becomes depending on the quality (e.g pixels per square inch).

Well, what other formats do I need my logo files in, and why?

It is important to have your logos in .jpeg and .png file formats but you also want a .pdf and/or .eps version. These are vector files.

What’s a vector file?

A vector file is made via mathematical equations. It has lines and curves with fixed points on a grid to produce an image. Because the mathematical formula recalibrates to any size, you can then scale your logo to any size without losing quality.

Why is this important?

If you ever want to print your logo on a billboard, a t-shirt, or an A-frame sign, a .pdf or .eps is what your printer will request. A Vector file gives you crisp lines and scaling ability which are imperative for print companies.

Oh and also…

You cannot turn a raster file into a vector file, but you can turn a vector to a raster. So if your logo was designed from scratch in a raster format, you will never be able to create the vector version. This means your logo would have to be re-drawn from scratch in a vector program if you ever needed a vector file. Very annoying and an extra cost you don’t want!

If you’re looking for a a qualified Graphic Designer to help you with your next branding project, check out my branding packages here.

Need more help with guidance on your branding? All questions are welcome. Reach out here

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